Neighbourhood Plan

Church Knowle Neighbourhood Plan-online survey

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood planning enables us to have a say in the future of the area where we live.  Thanks to the Localism Act 2011, our Parish Council has the power to produce a plan with real legal weight that directs development in the local area. It allows us to:

  • Choose what development we want to take place, and where;
  • have our say on what new buildings should look like; and
  • protect the countryside and our heritage buildings from development.

The government has put aside money for local communities in the form of grants to be used to create a neighbourhood plan. Church Knowle Parish has been awarded such a grant, so now the process begins.

The Neighbourhood Planning Process

More about Neighbourhood Planning can be found at the Locality website here. You can download the Neighbourhood Planning Guide below.

More can found on the government website here.

Church Knowle Neighbourhood Plan Scoping Document

Prior to obtaining the full grant for the Neighbourhood Plan a partial grant was obtained and used to produce a Scoping Study on which the full Neighbourhood Plan could be based.

National Planning Policy Framework

The National Planning Policy Framework was revised on 20 July 2021 and sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.

Church Knowle Neighbourhood Plan Survey

The survey that was delivered house-to-house can also be completed online and a copies of the survey documents (pdf) can also be downloaded here. Thank you all for your help in completing this survey.

Church Knowle Neighbourhood Plan-online survey

Printed Neighbourhood Plan Survey pdf

Printed Housing Needs Survey.pdf

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