To reserve a Burial or Cremation Plot
Contact the Parish Clerk with your request. This will be submitted to the Parish Council for approval at the next Parish Council meeting. If approved the plot in the cemetery will be reserved under your name and on payment of the fee you will receive a receipt confirming your reservation and listing the plot number.
To apply for a Burial
Submit the “Application for Burial” form to the Clerk of the Parish Council. This will normally be done by the undertaker. This should be accompanied by the “Certificate for Burial or Cremation” (Green form) that can be obtained from the registrar.
To Erect or Modify a Headstone or Memorial
The Application form should be completed in duplicate with a sketch and any other details of the memorial. Please submit this to the Clerk of the Parish Council for approval by the Council at the next Parish Council meeting. There is a fee which can be found under “Cemetery Fees”.